Wednesday, January 9, 2008


Well... I must say, that on this ninth day of January, it's already been a fabulous month.

I ended 2007 in New York City with my mom, Lindsay, Damien, Brian, Kyra, and Joshua. It was an amazing 3 days of relaxing and walking around the city. Our adventures included Ground Zero, Central Park, China Town, Wall Street, the Staton Island Ferry, and most importantly Time Square (or 10 blocks back... but seriously who's counting?) haha!

It was funny because while I was there I almost never had my phone. Anyone that I wanted to talk to was with me, and I was enjoying it very much. It was a good time for Josh and I because it had been 6 days since we'd seen each other... and we really hadn't gotten to talk much at all either. He is such a man. Can I say that? He is such a good, strong, honorabl man, too. He is a natural leader and I love letting him lead :-)

Less than a week later I turned the big 22. Or should I say the not so big 22? It doesn't seem like a very important age at all, if anything it only allows less judgement when I tell people how old I am. When a person says 21 most peoples reaction is "OHHHHH YEAH! How are you liking THAT?" I think 22 is going to be a great year. It started off well enough with probably the best birthday I've had yet. Julie, Amanda, and Emily took me out for dinner and to McFadden's to celebrate, family dinner Saturday night, going away party for Josh and Jared (that has nothing to do with my birthday though...) and then Sunday Josh, Jenn, and Colin through my brother and I a birthday party. No one has ever done that and it meant sooo so much to me :-)

I know this is just another memory blog but, it's my blog, and I want to use it to remember things. My heart's in here somewhere too, between the lines, if you look hard enough.

oh and also, I am completely in love :-) Just thought I'd throw that in as well!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love your memory blogs :o)