Wednesday, December 5, 2007

My tummy aches...

Sometimes when I leave Josh's house... or he leaves mine... my stomach hurts. It's more of an ache. and it goes away in a few minutes, but still, is that weird? I think it might be. Overall I'm enjoying the steady descent into winter, but I must say, that leaving his arms after spending an evening with him and driving home has to be almost as harsh as the day I was born. All safe and comfortable inside my moms womb (with Brian right there of course) and then bam! the cold harsh world smacks me in the face! (or was it the toosh?) anyway, it's hard to leave, but leave we must.

oh and my sister might get a job in Chicago. and as excited for her as I am, it actually makes me quite sad when I really think about it. We don't hang out a lot here, but I like having her around. Oh well, life must go on eh?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My heart aches when I leave David... I understand how you feel.

I miss you.